Submitting Assi…

Submitting Assignment 3

I am almost done with my assignment. I am quite worried, hope I’m on the right track. I still have some editing parts to be done.  Next, I also agreed with Shireen and crystal that the part c lesson plan is quite difficult to score marks. As lesson plan worth 5 marks. Part b worth 10 marks and part d worth 20 marks.  I’m still struggling with it, looking at all the part A, B, C, D. Hoping so much to pass this subject. It has been a tiring week to juggle with work and assignment. Tomorrow is the day to submit my assignment 3. Hopefully I can finish editing and checking before submitting to Ease.  Documents to be submitted:- Cover sheet Rubrics  Context Lesson plan and  Reflection.

Set Up a Computer Corner in Classroom

Many kindergarten nowadays divide their classroom into different learning corners. At learning corners, teacher provides tools and educational toys that allow children to choose and work with independently. One of the example of learning corners is computer centre. In computer centre, children are allowed to play educational software and find out information about certain topics. However, setting up a computer corner in a classroom can be a little tricky as it may distract children’s attention during learning process.

First, teacher can set the computer centre in an area that is out of ‘traffic’, for example by locating the computer centre near the back of classroom where it will not disturb children’s trafiic flow but teacher can still observe on what the children play. Moreover, it is necessary for teacher to pay attention on how to keep the wires and socket out of children’s sight. For example by covering the wires with hollow plastic tubes. In addition, set computer corner far from art corner or science corner. As children work with water during art class and science experiment, it will be dangerous to put these corner next to computer corner. On the other hand, teacher can arrange bok corner near the computer to help children gain deeper knowledge through browsing if they cannot get the information from books.


Stearns, P. H. (2013). How to set up computers in your classroom. Retrieved from

The classroom environment. Retrieved from

Last Week of Practicum

12 October 2013- Yesterday was my last day of practicum, it was quite a relieved. I have struggle over the past 3 weeks to balance with my work and children.
For the past three weeks I had the opportunity to do lots of individual and small group work. As I can see my students showed interest and fun towards the lessons. Throughout this professional practice and this course, I have been researching on how to incorporate ICTs into my classroom. But the main point is to make the learning fun and enjoyable for young children. Through this subject, I have been exposed to different kind and range of technologies in using for teaching and learning. Lastly, for now the challenge for me is to complete my assignment 3. Hopefully everything will be alright.

Why Parents Need to Educate Children to Use Technology Wisely?

Nowadays, technology has been integrated into children’s life. With computer in school, they have opportunities to play games and application while at home, they can have access to TV and Ipad. Thus, parents have responsibility on educate their children on how to use technology wisely. Bender (n.d.) as cited in Sorensen (2013) written that “parents need to be teaching their children responsible digital citizenship.” With a lot of things going on internet, children in 21st century can easily access almost everything on one click. Therefore, as the primary caregiver, parents need to be updated and catch up with advance technology, for instance by asking and involving themselves on their child’s technology usage.

In addition, parents cannot leave their children playing with computer alone. Parents should involve in what the children doing or at least watch them playing. It might need parents’ involvement on guiding and choosing educational applications for their kids. However, with technology involves in our lives 24/7, we cannot eliminate the importances of technology.

Sorensen, J. (2013). Why parents need to educate kids to use technology wisely. Retrieved from

Steinberg, S. (2012). Why parents should educate their kids about tech. Retrieved from

Teaching Occupation Using Online Educational Software

8 October 2013- Today’s lesson I have students watch a YouTube video about “people in our community”, as I played the video, I emphasize on the “occupation” to the children. They also read along with me. Next, I engaged children in online educational games that are related to the school theme occupation. During my lesson, when I turn on the laptops, children had their eyes all focused/ glued to the screen. They were so excited when they move around with the touch screen mouse and the online games. Before letting the children to play with the online game, I demonstrated and gave clear explanation on the online game.

These are the links to games:-

This game focuses on the jobs and occupations. Through these online game activites children can play with vocabulary games, spelling games, grammar games, questions games to enhance their English language skills.

This game, children can learn about people of different professions, the work they do and what they use by doing a simple matching exercise. Children will need to match the objects to the correct profession.

Week 2 practicum

Last week was my second week with practicum. It was tense and stressful, as We have concert rehearsal everyday and I need to rush to implement my lessons.
Apart from that, I had enjoy planning lessons and guiding them in small groups and individual work. I did many hands on experience with my children, they really enjoyed it.
During my practicum, I found the most challenging part was to manage the children’s behavior as each of them has different personality. As I need to constantly correcting their behavior when they did something wrong. For example, when I took out the iPad during lesson, some of the children wanted to play with it.
Next, I do like the websites that provides information on iPad apps, as it was useful to enhance children’s learning.

Teacherkit, no classroom without it

3 october- TeacherKit is a personal organizer for teacher that can be downloaded on Ipad, Iphone, and Windows8 for free. By using TeacherKit application, teacher can collect students’ data, organize the class and student in efficient and easy way. Teacher can plan or rearrange the seating arrangement for students by holding the student’s picture and dragging it to its place. In addition, teacher can check students’ attendance through TeacherKit application. It also supports parent- teacher partnership as it helps teacher inform parents about their behaviour and progress in classroom. Teacher just needs to type in parents’ information then teacher can send email via TeacherKit.
Furthermore, there are various features in TeacherKit application such as:
 -Classes and Students
– Seating Charts
– Attendance
 -Behavior and Notes
– Import and Export Files
(TeacherKit, 2013) 

MacKenzie, S. (2013). 2013 masterclass series- Teacher kit app. Retrieved from
TeacherKit. (2013). TeacherKit features. Retrieved from

Graphite website

October 1-

There are vary programme, applications, and games for children nowadays. Thus, teacher need to be selective in choosing educational programme for their students. Now, there is ‘Graphite’, a website that helps teachers to find best educational application and games. It helps teachers to choose programme that is appropriate for their student as it presents the ratings and review from other teacher’ s experience.Teacher can easily read others’ review and advise on how to operate the programme. 
In addition, Graphite website can provide programme that is based on student’s need.  Teacher can select the programme or application that he or she wants by choosing the subject, age group of student, and price of it. Therefore, students can engage in meaningful and fun learning that is appropriate to their level of skill.  Graphite is created by teacher and for teacher.
Common Sense Media. (2013). Graphite. Retrieved from
Gates, B. (2013). A new to connect teacher to technology. Retrieved from
Steyer, J. (2013). Teacher, meet graphite. Retrieved from

Zoomy digital microscope


28 september – One of the important tools for learning science is microscope. However, children find it difficult to work with microscope as they need to change the lenses for zooming. Thus, Zoomy handheld digital microscope helps children’s inquiry in science lesson. Children can easily operate the microscope as it has small size that they can hold with 1 hand. This device not only can be used to record the observation but also take picture of the object.

Zoomy digital microscope is easy to operate. Teacher can plug its USB into computer and run the viewing software. Then, teacher and children are able to see the image from the screen. This device can magnify any object in the environment that cannot be placed under traditional microscope.

These below are some of the benefits of Zoomy Digital Microscope:
-Facilitates scientific observation via high-interest visuals

-Plugs into computer to display/demonstrate magnified images

-Allows students to record and describe their investigations and inquiries

-Powered by USB connection to your computer — no batteries required

-Provides clear and sharp images via high-quality resolution

-Illuminates dark settings or objects

-Adjusts automatically to LED light available

-Encourages hands-on investigation

-Fits perfectly in child’s hand and positions easily to view difficult objects

( Learning Resources, 2013)

Savedge, J. (2013). Geek review: Zoomy digital microsoft. Retrieved from

Learning Resources. (2013). Zoomy handheld digital microsoft. Retrieved from–


First week of practical

26 September 2013- First and second of the day was only observation and assisting class teacher in and out of the classroom. Third and fourth day, I took over the whole class because the class teacher was sick and absent. One child vomited twice today, once was during the snack time, another time was during my lesson. I clean her up and mop the floor. it was really a tiring day for me.

The first lesson, I introduced a story about title: “People at work” by Dr Florence Lee to the children. After that, I read the whole story once for the children to listen. I also draw their attention to the key words, I use flash cards to repeat the words and have the children read along with me. Hence, after the story telling, I ask children some questions on the story and the children were actively participating in the question and answer session.

Lastly, after the story telling, I invite children to come out and re tell the story. The second lesson was about occupation: cleaner. It went on smoothly. I’m able to interact well with the children. Children had hands on experiences such as holding the broom and dust pan to sweep the floor, holding a mop and a pail to mop the floor, and a towel, sponge and a pail of water to wipe the whiteboard. Thus, as I was browsing websites, then I saw this link to a website called free technology for teachers. I read through it and this interesting topic has caught me reading it, it is called “Narrable adds an iphone app” for creating audio slides shows. You can add narration through computer’s microphone and phone call. It is an online story telling that enables you to merge photos along with the recorded voice, If possible,  I would like to try using narrable to integrate into my lesson.